How to upgrade OpenBox S10 HD PVR Firmware. Download the latest firmware update. File here below. Go to MENU TOOLS DUMP BY USB. Use left or right arrow to select MISC FILES, then arrow down to SELECT & DUMP. Press the OK key. Press the GREEN key to select TPPROG.dbs, then press the YELLOW key to copy data to your USB. Re: Openbox S10 HD PVR - Software & Setting. « Reply #206 on: October 21, 2011, 01:56:36 am ». Sy juga udah pake ob s9.tapi menurut sy ob s10 lebih bgs. Software mudah.dan ob s9 kdg2 dgn kejutan listrik bs on disply.karna sy sdh mengalaminya.maka kesimpulan sy ob s10 yg bgs.
Openbox S10 Hd Software Downloads

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OPENBOX SX1 HD RECEIVER LATEST SOFTWARE OPENBOX SX1 HD TV Receiver New Firmware and Tools. For All Model Openbox HD Receiver, Latest Software Update Click. OPENBOX AS4K CI. OPENBOX AS4K PRO. OPENBOX CI-7000PVR. OPENBOX CI-7200PVR. OPENBOX DVB-T2 USB. OPENBOX F-300FTA. OPENBOX F-500FTA. How to update Firmware of OpenBox S9 S10 S11 HD PVR by USB Drive Here is procedure that how to upgrade firmware/software of your receiver. Get a USB Pen Drive format with FAT32. Load the File.abs onto it. Place the Pen Drive at the back of the box via USB port. Follow the below procedure to upgrade the firmware via USB.
Openbox S10 Hd Software
Please note that this is a Free To Air box it will receive most or All FREESAT channels but you have to manually sort out the channels.
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Openbox S10 Hd Software Update
Openbox V8S Review