- Download Aplikasi Setting Macro X7 A4tech
- Download Setting Macro X7 Sniper
- Download Setting Mouse Macro X7
- Download Setting Macro X7 Oscar

Tutor Sett Macro X7 Shotgun / AWP (Sniper). Hmm, setelah banyak yang request bagaimana setting mouse macro 4-tech, terutama buat game FPS no.1 di. Tutorial Setting Mouse Macro X7 A4tech Dengan Script. Langkah Peratama. Buka Oscar Editor Macro Manager ( Ikutin tutorial pada Langkah Kedua di atas yah ) Klik Macro Open Silahkan Pilih file Yang barusan kamu download 🙂. Perhatian: File Script Mouse Macro Untuk X7 itu Berformat.AMC. Ikuti Gambar di atas untuk lebih jelas nya 😉. Open 7 button and Select Macro File and click the macro. The macro waits for the loading into memory of the mouse! Click the Download button or OK button in memory of the mouse.
Toko Komputer Online, Menampilkan Harga dan Spesifikasi Produk SANDYTACOM, Komputer, Keyboard, Mouse, Mousepad, Gaming, Joystick, Tablet, Printer. CARA SETTING MACRO X7! - SCRIPT SHOOTGUN ANTI MISS 100%wassaap gaes,Di video kali ini saya membuat tutorial bagaimana membuat script Macro X7 untuk mode Sho.
- WarZone

To set the macro A4Tech X7
Macro X7 for Left Button
For starters, you want to move the macros to the library OscarEditor.
Download Aplikasi Setting Macro X7 A4tech
Open the properties of the OscarEditor.exe file via the right button, then PROPERTIES, then Open File Location. Open the folder with the macros MacroLibrary.
And copy to this directory the macro AMC X7 format.
Run Oscar Editor (the interface may differ depending on the model), open Fileand selectImport/Export. Select a folder with macros on the drive C: ...macro x7. Select all macros and click Import.
Download Setting Macro X7 Sniper
Macro X7 for Left Button
Macros LBM.amc - LMB / Left Mouse Button - made to play the script by clicking on the left mouse button instead of the button 7 or any other macrobutton. What makes the good game and expands the number of used macros!
To run the LKM macro - see above 'How to install and run the macro A4tech X7 *.amc in software Oscar Editor?'.
For the script to work on the Left Mouse Button, to activate LBM macro, you should once Click on button with the established LMB macro. To disable the script - the deactivation LBM macro, re-press button with the established LBM macro.
Similarly you can set the macro LBM.amc on any mouse Bloody! Start the software Bloody, go to the tab BUTTON, then choose a profile to save your individual settings. Now add the LBM macro in additional buttons 3, 4 or 5 and click APPLY to save macros in the memory of the mouse.
Activation/deactivation as well as X7 the one touch of a button with the LMB macro.
Our Pro Groups
The world famous for macro users Russian coders with a huge experience in creating scripts to compensate recoil in complex online games. Familiar to all by the first axial macros no recoil for games CS:GO and Battlefield.
Download Setting Mouse Macro X7
Russian nuclear scientist with experience in creating A4tech / Sharkoon scripts for any online games. Specialist in games Warface, PUBG, RUST and others.
About No Recoil
All the products are created with meticulous attention to accuracy, recoil control with maximum adjustment. Macros are repeatedly checked for a maximum shooting accuracy in games at maximum graphics settings.
Specialization macro mouse A4Tech X7 Bloody Sharkoon and Logitech G. Expected the finalization of beta software for Razer! Possible macro with the limits for a Cougar and Corsair.
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All the macros packages are located in the digital market sellfy.com and oplata.info

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Description strictly corresponds to the content in the products.
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