Esterra and Nosra. Nosra is the sovereign territory of the Asmodians, Esterra belongs to the Elyos. Both areas can be entered from level 65. Numerous quests and fear-inducing opponents await you there. These areas grant you access to the Tower of Eternity, which was destroyed during the Great Catastrophe, as well as to four new instances. Battle of the Immortals. Download hundreds of fabulous free items Download 110 Editor char for Mac PC Clan fr pour les jouers en open.
Plunge Into the Cool Water and Fetch Some BuffsWHEEL OF DESTINY
Win some valuable items in the AION ShopNananerk’s Party
Try Nananerk’s delicious cocktails and get rewardsLUMIEL’S TRANSMORPH
Enjoy the Benefits of the Valuable Morphing!THE SECRET HELLPATH
Head onto the Secret Hellpath and reap precious rewardsTHE EXPANSION TO KALDOR
Get Everything You’ll Need for Your Journey Through Kaldor!NOW LIVE: UPDATE 7.9 Part 2
Now live on the European servers!PREVIEW: UPDATE 7.9 Part 2
Find out all the latest
Explore a world of breathtaking beauty ripped asunder by a celestial war.
What's new in Aion 7.0 - The Legacy of the Painter:

- Dive into the world of the Painter: the new class specialisation for the Artist awaits, with full technicolor!
- Adventure awaits: experience the story of Innana, battle through countless quests and explore the entirely new region of Dumaha.
- In Altar Siege battles you fight in thrilling PvP combat: be richly rewarded for your heroic deeds with some valuable prizes.
- You grow stronger: the new transformation items grant your character buffs that they can use together with the transformations!
Aion Online Mac Download Free
Read the full changelogThe reason most of us play any game, not just MMOs, is to escape our boring reality, but there comes a game once in a while that draws you so close into it with the rich fantasy that it offers, that you never want to leave again.Aion is such a game, and it offers some features that will get you hooked before you even start killing your first monster.
A game that can only be described as gorgeous
Despite several years passing since the original game's release, it still looks good and in some case better than some of the titles launched today.The 3D modeling is smooth while being forgiving on both processor and graphics card, while the particles, textures and overall atmosphere make you want to abandon the real world and live here for good.A testament to the game's graphical superiority can be seen the moment you start creating your first character.There are so many customization options that you can tweak and modify to your liking that it would be impossible for two characters that look the same ever to exist.
Choose which side you are on and bring glory to it
Regardless of what challenges later expansions bought to the table, the base game remains the same: you have a war-torn world that is contested by two races: the Elyos that live on the sunny side of the planet, and the Asmodians that live on the darker side.Choosing a side will define your overall playing experience, since choosing one race over the other will give or restrict access to certain character customization features, such as the Asmodian's manes or claws.More so, the overall feel of the world changes due to the geographical location, as the Asmodian's areas are harsher, with darker, more colder weather than that of the Elyos.
Choose from a wide variety of classes
Regardless of playstyle, you will find a class that will perfectly suit your taste in Aion. You get to choose between 6 primary classes, and once you have gained enough experience, you will be able to ascend to one of the two specialized classes available to your primary class.It doesn't matter if you want to crush your foes with a massive ax, burn them alive with eldrich flames, or have your elemental minions do the dirty work for you, you will find a way to bring ruin to your enemies.
Kill both monsters and the opposing faction
While PvP won't become available until much later in the game, it is a core part of it, as you even have entire item sets that are most effective when fighting other players.One feature that is almost associated with the game's name is the ability to fly, which makes exploring this already beautiful world all the more enjoyable. More so, while flying is something you may see in other MMOs, few, if any, have managed to pull aerial combat off successfully. In fact, most PvP is available in areas where movement is only possible via flight.

Fly, explore or fight your way through this enchanting world
Aion continues to fascinate gamers all around the world, and it manages to hold its own even after all these years through constant updates, impressive 3D graphics, great combat and flight mechanics, and an overall original story and setting that will make you never want to leave your PC.
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Aion was reviewed by Teodor Nechita
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Aion 7.0 - The Legacy of the Painter
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